Hubert Krzciuk

- in 2008 joined “Gromek i Partnerzy” Law Firm
- cooperation with large law firms and financial institutions
- legal advice, as part of his own practice, in individual cases for individuals and businesses
- 2013-2015 – partner at the Ferretti, Bębenek i Partnerzy Spółka Partnerska Law Firm
- Legal Office Coordinator in Polish Airports State Enterprise
- Legal advice in investment process, real estate acquisition and financing of its acquisition, repayment security, commercialization of space, etc.
- conducting litigation before common and arbitration courts and public administration bodies
- conducting enforcement and security proceedings
- attorney-at-law since 2006, member of Bar Association in Łodzi
- judge’s exam passed in 2005
- graduate from the Law and Administration Faculty at the University of Łódź
- investment processes
- legal proceedings
- administrative proceedings
- aviation law
– tel: 22 849 33 64
– mail: